Inside KinzooSep 10, 2020

How We're Different from Facebook Messenger Kids

How We're Different from Facebook Messenger Kids

Entering into the kids’ app market is no small challenge—especially when the incumbent in the space is Facebook Messenger Kids. Because we’re also building a kids’ messaging platform, we often field questions about what sets us apart from the big tech alternative. So, we wanted to share a few key ways that we’re different. While we’ve never planned to compete with Facebook Messenger Kids feature-for-feature, we do want to offer our users a product that’s underpinned by a different set of values.

Our origins, mission and vision

Allow us to introduce our founder: Sean is a father of two, and he set out to build Kinzoo with his own children in mind. He saw how much his young daughter loved using technology to connect with far-away family and friends—but couldn’t find an app he trusted. He did a lot of research (enough to write a book on the topic) and set out to build something that could give kids the best of technology, without exposure to the worst of it. He founded our company with the vision to be the most-trusted brand for incorporating tech into our children’s lives, so our emphasis has been on safety, privacy and empowerment since day one.

We thought long and hard about how we could build a viable business that supports our mission and vision, and a big part of that was finding a business model that didn’t rely on data capture or targeted advertising. After Facebook’s string of scandals and privacy violations related to their adult platform, we know that a lot of parents are looking for an alternative way to introduce technology to their kids. We strive to be a catalyst for meaningful interactions—with children at the heart, and we make every decision through the lens of our values.

Looking beyond a features competition

There will always be some areas where we simply can’t compete with Facebook. When it comes to designing new features, we don’t have the same kind of resources that they do. We plan to build new experiences that users love—but we also know that successful features are easily copied by others. For us, the motivation behind each feature is what’s important. We want to design an app that creates real value for families without the mechanisms that often manipulate us.

If anything is going to set us apart from the competition, it will be the promises we make to parents: to prioritize the wellbeing of children and to empower our youngest digital citizens with safe, healthy technology. They can rest assured that every new element, game and activity we introduce is designed to help kids deepen their connections with loved ones, explore their creativity and cultivate new passions.

Offering an alternative

Today, it feels like our relationships with loved ones are more important than ever before. And, a lot of what we used to do in the real world has moved online in an effort to keep each other safe. We believe that, just like the rest of us, kids need access to technology that helps them stay in touch. But it needs to protect them, prioritize their development and help them establish healthy connections with those who matter most. Our founder knows firsthand how important it is to be able to trust the technology you give to your kids. We hope Kinzoo can give children the chance to build and deepen their relationships—while giving parents peace of mind knowing it was built to keep kids safe.

Photo Credit: NYC Russ / Shutterstock


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